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3 Things Commercial Commercial Construction Taught Me

If you read our previous post about my construction background you’ll know I spent nearly 6 years working in commercial construction.  My time provided me with a ton of great experiences which I’m grateful for.

Commercial construction is an entirely different ballgame than custom residential building. Here’s 3 things I took away from my time in the commercial realm.

1. Systems

Commercial construction by nature is a much larger undertaking than residential projects, in sheer volume if nothing else.  Large projects consist of multiple buildings, floors, spaces, partners, products, etc.  Multiple trades often working simultaneously throughout the project.  In order to produce a successful product commercial contractors rely extensively on systems of all types and sizes. By definition a system is: A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole, especially. Certainly every building, whether commercial or residential in nature, is a Complex Whole Countless elements make up our complex, modern day structures and without systems the building process would fail.  Although many contractors skirt by today on limited systems at Fidelis Builders we continue to implement and refine several systems so that we can give our clients the best possible experience.  We use systems to communicate, systems to secure products, systems to estimate jobs, so on and so forth.  Our systems not only provide for better experience but a product that stands above the rest.

2. Teamwork

“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” – H.E. Luccock.  That certainly rings true in construction.  It takes a team to build, from trade partners, to vendors, to designers and architects.  One human cannot do it alone…but sometimes we try.  Residential contractors are often known for overextending ourselves, working long hours because we bite off more than we can chew.  But once we realize that in order for a project to be successful we must rely on a team.  Commercial construction constantly utilizes teamwork to deliver successful projects.  Instead of taking on too much, constantly butting heads with peers, Fidelis Builders promotes an environment that prioritizes teamwork.  We understand the importance of each and every one of our partners and we lean on them to help us deliver the best building experience as a team.

3. Diplomacy

As discussed above, construction is all about teamwork.  Teamwork brings people and personalities together.  The construction process is dynamic, aspects of each project seemingly changing by the minute at times, throw large sums of $$$ into the mix and projects can get tense.  We understand that there will be times throughout the project where thing will be frustrating, building and remodeling is challenging.  Working for commercial firms taught me that our role as project leaders is to remain steady, be a sounding board for our partners and clients, and react to situations in a diplomatic manner.  Commercial construction taught me to control my emotions, it taught me to present the facts of the situation, admit when I was wrong, and help those involved by presenting the best path forward.  Here at Fidelis we understand the building process is a rollercoaster and building your dream home or going through a remodel can be an emotional process, but we’re here to guide you through it and be a steady presence throughout the process.

The commercial construction background has provided me a ton of perspective to lean on constantly.  We find residential construction lacks many of the benefits found in commercial building.  Our background allows us to bring the benefits of both together and we feel that’s what sets Fidelis Builders apart.

Let’s Build Together!

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